Hair of the Dog - About the Rules

Originally published February, 2015.

Welcome to Hair of the Dog: our drinking games section! In this realm, we share lists of drinking rules pertaining to movies, TV shows, and video games.

The lists written here have been created by us based on our own experiences with the various mediums of entertainment. One of our favorite games is coming up with rules that are clever and funny, regardless of whether or not we intend on drinking. Once the rules have been established, the next step is playing along. Of course, we recommend being responsible with your choices and knowing when to call it quits.


Keep in mind when reading these rules that, more than anything, they are jokes designed to poke fun at the patterns and creative laziness we notice when watching movies and TV, or while playing video games. So please, choose the rules you wish to follow wisely, drink responsibly, and have fun. If you come up with your own rules, please feel free to leave comments and let us know what you think would be an appropriate amendment, or even an entire list.

Before getting to our own various rules, a suggestion for coming up with your own: The motto we stick with is “abundance, but not excess." It helps make for a rule that you can play from beginning to end without getting too drunk as well as one that can occasionally be more challenging to create. In Back to the Future characters say various catch phrases such as “Great Scott,” “This is Heavy,” or just “Butthead.” These happen frequently enough to take note and are intentionally emphasized, but are not spoken so often that it might as well be punctuation to their sentences. So if you were thinking of drinking every time someone utters the word “Fuck” in Scarface, (while still a good rule) you may want to get well-acquainted with your toilet first.

Hair of the Dog Rules So Far!

Universal Rules
Heavy Rain Drinking Game
Friday the 13th Drinking Game
Star Wars Drinking Game
Forensic Files Drinking Game
Christmas Movie Drinking Game
50 Shades of Grey / Bad Book Drinking Game
Michael Bay Movie Drinking Game

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