Dagon Dogs

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Fair or Foul?

Originally published March, 2015.

Fair or Foul is a written/video feature here on Dagon Dogs where we review/analyze a movie that skirts the line of "bad" and "not bad."

This is a feature inspired by a video review series from one of my favorite movie websites, Screened.com. The site was part of the Whiskey Media group of sites that looked at various forms of media and entertainment, with Giantbomb at the front. In many ways, the sites inspire a lot of what I want to do here, so don't be surprised if you see similar features on this site, if you're familiar anyway.

Screened was the movie website of the group, which was later purchased by...someone (I'm too lazy to look it up) and it slowly dissolved after its core members left. The site has since been shut down , but their entertaining features live on. So in the spirit of their "Half-Good" feature, the Dogs have created the Fair or Foul feature where we tear into a movie that was maybe worth watching, maybe not.

This isn't meant to look at the movies that were so bad they were good, or one-trick-ponies, or gimmicky films that have a saving grace here or there. This is meant to look at the deeply flawed movies you want to like and to determine if it's Fair or Foul.

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