Friday the 13th - Review Blitz Wrap Up

Originally published March, 2015.

Well, that's it. We've covered the Friday the 13th movies and their spin-offs in these past couple weeks. Some of the movies I had never seen the whole way through, or at all until doing this review blitz. In some cases was a pleasant surprise and in others, well...

Regardless, I’d figure I’d rank up these movies in a quick ranking list based on how much fun I had watching them. So despite how many people think the original is a classic, I’ll say right now that it is not my number 1 pick. In fact, by most Friday standards, I’m sure my list is rather blasphemous to most fans.

Movie Ranking - Best to Worst

  1. Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter

  2. Freddy vs Jason

  3. Friday the 13th Part 3

  4. Friday the 13th Part 2

  5. Friday the 13th (1980)

  6. Jason X

  7. Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives

  8. Friday the 13th part 7: The New Blood

  9. Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan

  10. Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning

  11. Friday the 13th (2009)

  12. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

Closing Thoughts

I wouldn't have considered myself a Friday the 13th fan before watching all these movies, nor would I say I am now, but I have been enlightened nonetheless. These movies are dumb, cheap, and poorly made with bad acting to boot, but it's when these movies are at their cheapest and dumbest that I had the most fun. I don't consider them scary, but I can still appreciate them for the enjoyment I got from watching and mocking them, even the weirdest ones.

With a little reflection, I can say that I even appreciate Jason Goes to Hell and The New Beginning for at least trying to do something different in the formula. They were risks that, in the end, didn't pay off and made me prefer the formulaic movies more as a result, but I nonetheless commend any attempt to be creative and do something different with a long running property. Having said that, I still couldn't put the remake below Part 9 as the list is based on how much fun I had watching the movie, in addition to the quality of the film. I admittedly got less angry and confused watching the crappy, heartless remake than Jason Goes to Hell. So for that reason alone, it manages to scrape by above the worst spot.

If you disagree with my picks or have your own list, be sure to comment and let me know what you think, or how you agree or disagree. If you want another opinion on these movies, I’d recommend seeing James Rolfe’s reviews on He knows his horror movies and makes some entertaining videos and just recently did his own for the Friday franchise.

I hope you enjoyed this review blitz as I did. Stay tuned for more franchise review blitzes in the future!

Make sure to read our Friday the 13th Drinking Rules, part of our Hair of the Dog feature

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