Star Wars Drinking Game - Hair of the Dog

Originally published March, 2016.

Of course there couldn't be a Review Blitz of the Star Wars films without a subsequent Star Wars drinking game featured here on! The biggest film franchise in the world certainly already has countless drinking games made up for it across the internet that are easy to find. Here are my rules that I play by, of course, in addition to the Universal Hair of the Dog Rules.

Of course, one of those universal rules would probably suffice for your experience with Star Wars, namely the Cliché Rule. Star Wars is a franchise built on clichés. The whole series of films has paid homage to the classic film serials that played in theaters when George Lucas was a kid, like Flash Gordon most notably, with its consistent use of the same tropes and cinematic style. The same can certainly be said of Lucas' other successful movie series, the Indiana Jones films. Both franchises make frequent use of stylistic patterns and film tropes that easily could be sculpted into specific drinking game rules, so it wasn't too hard to come up with the ones listed below.

This time, I kept the limit to ten rules even though I could probably come up with more along the way. I'm certain that the more creative could come up with some better ones that skirt the line of "too frequent to drink but too good to stop." Of course, I'd be interested to see any rules you come up with that would likely help you enjoy the prequel trilogy more without sending you to the ER.

Star Wars Drinking Rules

  1. The iconic theme songs are played, ie "Imperial March"

  2. "The Force" is mentioned

  3. A lightsaber is brandished and extended

  4. "I have a bad feeling about this"

  5. A Jedi/Sith power is used, ie mind trick, super jump, tossing or choking something without touching, etc

  6. Anytime a human character responds to an alien creature as though he or she understands exactly what they said

  7. "Skywalker," "Obi-Wan," or "R2" is said

  8. "I sense..." is said - this is more of a rarity and if you wish to play the game hard, make this the "finish your beer rule"

  9. Something explodes

  10. Screen Wipe

Bonus Rule: If you're stuck with versions other than the theatrical releases, you can drink every time you spot something that was added to the films post theatrical release.

Check out the first of my Star Wars reviews here!

Be sure to check in every Saturday for the next few weeks as I review each film in the franchise from the original trilogy, to the prequel trilogy, to Episode VII.

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