Looking for Recommendations

There has been a bit of a lull in new articles on the site lately. Aside from being busy with other responsibilities, there’s another reason as to why.

I don’t normally request comments on these articles anymore since I moved over to Squarespace, but the fact of the matter is: there is a comments feature on these articles and I leave it open to anyone willing to share an opinion or thought. As a lurker myself whose never really spent much time on forums over the years, I understand the silence.

However, this is something of a call to action. I need a little help in terms of looking at movies, games, books, music worth my time and my thought. Left to my own devices, I can certainly find something to review eventually, but I also tend to go back to old favorites or things I’ve already talked about in some capacity on DagonDogs.com. So, I’m asking for a little bit of motivation and direction from those of you out there who visit the site and are entertained by my commentary, at the very least. Give me some recommendations for things you think I’d like or hate so that in 2021 I’ll have a full list of items to go through.

If I get any responses here or on other articles I’ll be sure to take a look. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

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