Prey (2022) | Review movieAriel FeistAugust 31, 2022prey, predator, action, horror, comanche, alien, native american, tribe, hunter gathererComment
F/X (1986) | Arcane Visions movieAriel FeistAugust 24, 2022Brian Dennehy, Bryan Brown, F/X, special effects, action, buddy cop, 80's, arcane visionsComment
Harry Potter Movies Drinking Game - Hair of the Dog drinking gameAriel FeistAugust 17, 2022harry potter, jk rowlling, hair of the dog, wizard, voldemortComment
The Thing (2011) | Review movieAriel FeistAugust 10, 2022john carpenter, horror, film, review, the thing 2011Comment
Prometheus (2012) | Fair or Foul movieAriel FeistAugust 3, 2022alien, xenomorph, ridley scott, horror, science-fiction, prometheus, fair or foul, half-goodComment