The Gorge (2025) | Peaks and Valleys movieAriel FeistFebruary 26, 2025The Gorge, The Gorge review, anya taylor-joy, action, romance, science-fiction, lovecraftComment
50 First Dates (2004) | Fair or Foul movieAriel FeistJuly 5, 2023fair or foul, film, 50 first dates, adam sandler, comedy, romance, drew barrymore, rob sneiderComment
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds - (Re)view video gameAriel FeistMay 12, 2021dating simulator, otome, unfinished, (re)view, romance, animeComment
Nightshade - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 14, 2021otome, romance, ninja, naruto, nightshade, dating simulatorComment
Being a DIK Season 1 - Review video gameAriel FeistAugust 5, 2020dating simulator, romance, comedy, being a dik, review, adult, pornographic, x-rated, dr pinkcakeComment