The Shore - Review video gameAriel FeistMay 28, 2021lovecraft, eldrich, indie, walking-simulator, horror, review, the shoreComment
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds - (Re)view video gameAriel FeistMay 12, 2021dating simulator, otome, unfinished, (re)view, romance, animeComment
Monster Hunter: World - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 28, 2021capcom, monster, monster hunter, action Comments
Nightshade - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 14, 2021otome, romance, ninja, naruto, nightshade, dating simulatorComment
Blasphemous - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 7, 2021blasphemous, horror, metroidvania, metroid, symphony of the night, 2d, platformer, dark soulsComment
In Defense of Not Giving it the Time of Day - Stopping Sekiro other, video gameAriel FeistMarch 31, 2021bloodborne, from software, sekiroComment
Inside - Review video gameAriel FeistMarch 24, 2021inside, limbo, 2d, platformer, review, horrorComment
Phoenix Wright Trilogy - Review video gameAriel FeistMarch 10, 2021phoenix wright, miles edgeworth, capcom, attorny, ace attorney, law, legal, review, initial impressionsComment
Returning to The Forest video gameAriel FeistFebruary 24, 2021horror, survival, minecraft, crafting, the forestComment
Spelunky 2 - Review video gameAriel FeistFebruary 10, 2021spelunky, rogue, rogue-like, spelunky 2, adventure, review, initial impressionsComment
Why I Won't be Playing the New Demon's Souls video gameAriel FeistNovember 11, 2020dark souls, demon's souls, rpg, from softwareComment
I Take Back What I Said About Bloodborne video gameAriel FeistNovember 4, 2020bloodborne, horror, game, from software, Bloodborne reviewComment
Being a DIK Season 1 - Review video gameAriel FeistAugust 5, 2020dating simulator, romance, comedy, being a dik, review, adult, pornographic, x-rated, dr pinkcakeComment
The Dragon Ball FighterZ Tutorial Doesn't Suck Anymore (Part 3) video gameAriel FeistJuly 22, 2020dragon ball, fighterz, dragon ball fighterz, fighting game, tutorial, ramblingComment
After 60+ Hours of GTA V, I Uninstalled It video game, otherAriel FeistJuly 8, 2020gta, grand theft auto, rockstar, rambling, red dead redepmtion, satire, open-worldComment
Batman: Arkham Knight - Review video gameAriel FeistJune 10, 2020batman, arkham, mark hamill, action, rocksteady, review, knight, scarecrow, open-worldComment
Oxenfree - Review video gameAriel FeistMay 27, 2020oxenfree, time travel, young-adult, indie, shortComment
Devil May Cry 5 - Review video gameAriel FeistFebruary 19, 2020devil may cry, action, character action, dante, vergil, inferno, capcom, nero, reviewComment
Bloodborne - Review video gameAriel FeistJanuary 22, 2020bloodborne, dark souls, demon's souls, from software, horror, cosmic, lovecraft, review, Bloodborne reviewComment