Deep Blue Sea (1999) | Guilty Biscuits movieAriel FeistOctober 12, 2022deep blue sea, thomas jane, samuel l jackson, ll cool j, horror, shark, guilty biscuits, half-goodComment
The Night House (2020) | Review movieAriel FeistOctober 5, 2022the night house, horror, psychological, supernatural, ghost, review, filmComment
Evil Dead (2013) | Review movieAriel FeistSeptember 28, 2022evil dead, remake, sam raimie, horror, gore, cabin, necronomiconComment
The Edge (1997) | Dagon Dog Treats movieAriel FeistSeptember 21, 2022favorites, treat, action, drama, anthony hopkins, alec baldwin, the edge, bart the bear, survivalComment
What Happened to Female Protagonists | Part II otherAriel FeistSeptember 14, 2022linda hamilton, prey, terminator, action, female, protagonist, mad max: fury road, furiosa, ripley, xenomorph, predatorComment
What Happened to Female Protagonists? | Part I otherAriel FeistSeptember 7, 2022prey, alien, xenomorph, predator, drama, scarlett o'hara, gone with the wind, strong, femaleComment
Prey (2022) | Review movieAriel FeistAugust 31, 2022prey, predator, action, horror, comanche, alien, native american, tribe, hunter gathererComment
F/X (1986) | Arcane Visions movieAriel FeistAugust 24, 2022Brian Dennehy, Bryan Brown, F/X, special effects, action, buddy cop, 80's, arcane visionsComment
Harry Potter Movies Drinking Game - Hair of the Dog drinking gameAriel FeistAugust 17, 2022harry potter, jk rowlling, hair of the dog, wizard, voldemortComment
The Thing (2011) | Review movieAriel FeistAugust 10, 2022john carpenter, horror, film, review, the thing 2011Comment
Prometheus (2012) | Fair or Foul movieAriel FeistAugust 3, 2022alien, xenomorph, ridley scott, horror, science-fiction, prometheus, fair or foul, half-goodComment
Someone Needs to Stop the Amityville Franchise movie, otherAriel FeistMay 25, 2022horror, rambling, amityville, sequelsComment
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) | Review movieAriel FeistMay 18, 2022freddy kreuger, robert englund, wes craven, horror, a nightmare on elm street, remakeComment
The Fog (2005) | What the Hell Did I Just Watch? movieAriel FeistMay 11, 2022horror, remake, wdijw, fog, john carpenter Comments
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) - Review movieAriel FeistMay 4, 2022conjuring, horror, haunted, possessionComment
Poltergeist III (1988) | Review movieAriel FeistApril 27, 2022ghost, poltergeist, horror, haunted, haunted house Comments
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) | Review movieAriel FeistApril 20, 2022texas chainsaw massacre, horror, slasher, leatherface, netflix, remakeComment
Dagon: by H.P. Lovecraft | Video Game Review video gameAriel FeistMarch 17, 2022dagon, horror, h.p. lovecraft, vr, free, shortComment
Ready Player One | In Defense of a Bad Movie | Source Code other, movieAriel FeistMarch 9, 2022book, ready player one, Earnest Cline, novel, steven spielberg, nerd, geek, referentialComment
Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) | Arcane Visions Review movieAriel FeistMarch 2, 2022Dolph Lundgren, Brandon Lee, Action, buddy cop, comedy, Japanese, review, arcane visionsComment