Guilty Gear Strive - Review video gameAriel FeistFebruary 23, 2022arc system works, blazblue, guilty gear, strive, fighting game, animeComment
Despite All this Time, I Can't Finish a Civ VI Game Ariel FeistFebruary 16, 2022sid meier, civilization v, civilization vi, civ, 4x, strategy, turn-basedComment
Tales from the Crypt (1972) - Arcane Visions Review movieAriel FeistFebruary 9, 2022horror, anthology, tales from the crypt, arcane visions, crypt keeperComment
The Ascent Review video gameAriel FeistFebruary 2, 2022The Ascent, cyberpunk, twin-stick, shooter, action, science-fiction, co-opComment
Dagon Dogs 2021 Yearly Wrap-Up otherAriel FeistDecember 8, 2021best, worst, wrap-up, film, gameComment
Big Ass Spider (2013) - What Did I Just Watch? movieAriel FeistDecember 1, 2021wdijw, b-movie, comedy, horror, spider, big ass spiderComment
Slay the Spire - Review video gameAriel FeistNovember 17, 2021slay the spire, rogue-like, card game, minimalist, fantasy, permadeathComment
Son of Kong (1933) - Arcane Visions Review movieAriel FeistNovember 10, 2021arcane visions, son of kong, horror, adventure, classic, king kong, reviewComment
Trick r Treat (2007) - Review movieAriel FeistNovember 3, 2021trick 'r treat, trick r treat, horror, anthology, halloween, holiday, filmComment
Doctor Sleep (2019) - Review movieAriel FeistOctober 27, 2021horror, shining, kubrick, doctor sleep, stephen king, ewan mcgregorComment
The Wind (2019) - Review movieAriel FeistOctober 20, 2021horror, psychological, netflix, review, slow-burn, the windComment
Malignant (2021) - Review movieAriel FeistOctober 13, 2021horror, james wan, malignant, twins, psychologicalComment
Godzilla vs Kong (2021) - Review movieAriel FeistOctober 6, 2021godzilla, king kong, king of the monsters, kaiju, actionComment
MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge) Drinking Game drinking gameAriel FeistSeptember 29, 2021fall guys, mxc, most extreme elimination challenge, ninja warrior, sasuke, comedy, spike tvComment
State of Decay 2 - Review video gameAriel FeistSeptember 22, 2021horror, sandbox, open-world, survival, zombie, state of decay, multiplayerComment
Spiral (2000) - Review movieAriel FeistSeptember 8, 2021spiral, uzumaki, japanese, junji ito, horror, weird, cinematography, editingComment
Willy's Wonderland (2021) - What Did I Just Watch? movieAriel FeistJuly 14, 2021horror, animatronics, nicolas cage, indie, five nights at freddy's, willy's wonderland, wdijw, chuck-e-cheese, five nights at freddysComment
The Void (2016) - Review movieAriel FeistJuly 7, 2021lovecraft, eldrich, horror, film, review, the void, hellraiser, practical effects, special effectsComment
The Vigil (2019) - Review movieAriel FeistJune 30, 2021horror, jewish, possession, demon, review, jewish-horrorComment