Diamonds Are Forever (1971) | But Connery Isn’t movieAriel FeistJune 5, 2024James Bond, Diamonds are Forever, Diamonds are Forever review, action, spy, espionageComment
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) | The One that Got Away movieAriel FeistMay 29, 2024On Her Majesty's Secret Service, On Her Majesty's Secret Service review, James Bond, action, spy, espionage, BlofeldComment
The Fall of the House of Usher (2023) | Horrific & Surprising movieAriel FeistMay 22, 2024netflix, horror, miniseries, the fall of the house of usher, Mike Flannigan, retelling, the fall of the house of usher review, Edgar Allan PoeComment
Casino Royale (1967) | What Did I Just Watch? movieAriel FeistMay 15, 2024Casino Royale, Casino Royale comedy review, comedy, weird, wdijw, James Bond, badComment
You Only Live Twice (1967) | Welcome to Japan movieAriel FeistMay 8, 2024You Only Live Twice, You Only Live Twice review, James Bond, Blofeld, spy, espionage, actionComment
Thunderball (1965) | Occasionally Thunderdull movieAriel FeistMay 1, 2024Thunderball, Thunderball review, spy, espionage, James Bond, actionComment
Why Comments Require Approval otherAriel FeistApril 24, 2024bot, scam, random, comments, approvalComment
Goldfinger (1964) | The Midas Touch movieAriel FeistApril 17, 2024spy, action, espionage, Goldfinger, Goldfinger review, James BondComment
From Russia with Love (1963) | One I Love movieAriel FeistApril 10, 2024From Russia with Love, From Russia with Love review, action, espionage, spy, thriller, James BondComment
Monster Hunter: Rise | A New and Familiar Acrobatic Adventure video gameAriel FeistApril 3, 2024monster hunter, capcom, adventureComment
Dr. No (1962) | The Franchise Launchpad movieAriel FeistMarch 27, 2024Dr. No, Dr. No review, James Bond, Sean Connery, espionage, spy, thriller, action, James Bond review blitzComment
James Bond Drinking Game | Hair of the Dog drinking gameAriel FeistMarch 20, 2024James Bond, hair of the dog, drinking game, film, funny, James Bond drinking gameComment
Machete (2010) | Classic Exploitation Action movieAriel FeistMarch 13, 2024Machete, Machete review, robert rodriguez, grindhouse, exploitation, action, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin, funny, ridiculousComment
X (2022) | Almost Exploitation movieAriel FeistMarch 6, 2024X, X review, mia goth, horror, grindhouse genre, smut, nudityComment
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights | Difficult and Rewarding video gameAriel FeistFebruary 28, 2024ender lilies, ender lilies review, rpg, 2dComment
Renfield (2023) | Over the Top and Underwhelming movieAriel FeistFebruary 21, 2024nicolas cage, renfield review, horror, comedy, dracula, renfield, nicolas hoult, vampire, gory, ridiculousComment
Stardew Valley | A Casual Classic video gameAriel FeistFebruary 14, 2024stardew valley, farming simulator, pixelated, chillComment
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) | Swashbuckling Spectacle movieAriel FeistFebruary 10, 2024puss in boots, puss in boots review, antonio banderas, selma hayak, dreamworks, adventure, family-friendly, animatedComment
Back to the Future Drinking Game | Hair of the Dog drinking gameAriel FeistFebruary 9, 2024back to the future, drinking game, hair of the dogComment