They Come Knocking (2019) - Review movieAriel FeistJune 23, 2021horror, hulu, thriller, cancer, vampire, single-dad, into the dark, anthologyComment
The Possession (2012) - Review movieAriel FeistJune 16, 2021horror, jewish, possession, exorcism, film, reviewComment
The Possession of Michael King (2014) - Review movieAriel FeistJune 2, 2021horror, cinema verite, found-footage, review, film, possession, exorcismComment
The Shore - Review video gameAriel FeistMay 28, 2021lovecraft, eldrich, indie, walking-simulator, horror, review, the shoreComment
Sunshine (2007) - Review movieAriel FeistMay 19, 2021sunshine, alien, cillian murphy, chris evans, danny boyle, horror, space, cosmic, film, reviewComment
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds - (Re)view video gameAriel FeistMay 12, 2021dating simulator, otome, unfinished, (re)view, romance, animeComment
Monster Hunter: World - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 28, 2021capcom, monster, monster hunter, action Comments
Predators (2010) - Review movieAriel FeistApril 21, 2021horror, action, predator, adrien brody, review, half-goodComment
Nightshade - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 14, 2021otome, romance, ninja, naruto, nightshade, dating simulatorComment
Blasphemous - Review video gameAriel FeistApril 7, 2021blasphemous, horror, metroidvania, metroid, symphony of the night, 2d, platformer, dark soulsComment
In Defense of Not Giving it the Time of Day - Stopping Sekiro other, video gameAriel FeistMarch 31, 2021bloodborne, from software, sekiroComment
Inside - Review video gameAriel FeistMarch 24, 2021inside, limbo, 2d, platformer, review, horrorComment
When a Stranger Calls (1979) - Review movieAriel FeistMarch 17, 2021babysitter, when a stranger calls, horror, carol kane, review, filmComment
Phoenix Wright Trilogy - Review video gameAriel FeistMarch 10, 2021phoenix wright, miles edgeworth, capcom, attorny, ace attorney, law, legal, review, initial impressionsComment
The Village (2004) - Review movieAriel FeistMarch 3, 2021horror, suspense, film, review, shyamalan, the villageComment
Returning to The Forest video gameAriel FeistFebruary 24, 2021horror, survival, minecraft, crafting, the forestComment
The Thing (1982) - Dagon Dog Treats movieAriel FeistFebruary 17, 2021the thing, favorites, treat, horror, john carpenter, kurt russell, kieth davidComment
Spelunky 2 - Review video gameAriel FeistFebruary 10, 2021spelunky, rogue, rogue-like, spelunky 2, adventure, review, initial impressionsComment
Christmas Chronicles (2018) - Review movieAriel FeistFebruary 3, 2021christmas, santa claus, family, kurt russell, holiday, film, review, christmas chroniclesComment
Dagon Dogs Yearly Wrap-Up 2020 otherAriel FeistDecember 11, 2020review, yearly, wrap-up, best, worst, 2020Comment